Thursday 11 October 2012

A Week In Photos #3

I should of posted this Sunday but I was too eager to upload my birthday haul, so this week of photos contains some photos from last week too. 

- Primark Pyjamas & socks, Misguided cross shirt, Soup and roll, Birthday text.
- Drinks, Cocktail menu, Mini burgers at Ruby's, Store magazines. 
- Spring rolls, Keen birthday card, Lindor, Chocolate & tea. 
- MK watch with white nails, Birthday calendar, Flight 447 plane disaster documentary (i'm a nerd for stuff like that), A night out. 


  1. Happpy Birthday to YOU,
    ahaha i found your blog through the bbloggerschat blog hop and gotta say I LOVE IT! already followed, love your style and your blog. One of the best blogs ive seen, keep it up!
    OMG totally love it ahaha,

    check out my blog?
    perdi xx

    1. Aw thankyou, thats so nice. Of course, i'll definitely check it out xxx

  2. Happy Birthday for last week Kay! :) I just checked out your blog for the first time and I love it! Following you on Twitter and on here now! Look forward to more posts!

    J x

  3. Happy Birthday! Birthdays are absolutely the best. =]
