- The little things, strawberry tictacs, Essie nails & DVF headphones
- Snow days
- New Years antics (bit late.. The january effect)
- Topshop buys, Shopping, food, too many shifts
- pizza, moto, late Harvey nichols present, buds
- Nandos & holiday booking
- New twitter to follow!
For all of you that follow my other twitter at @threeblackcrown, just a little note to say I'm going to mostly be using my personal account from now on. I just find it easier and its where most of my life is at present aha. I'll still be using my other one for blog matters so feel free to follow both, but if you're keen to see more regular updates I would recommend following my main one (shown above) @KayleighRead
There is a link in the sidebar near the top of this page if you find it easier.
Leave some of your twitter usernames and links too. I'd love to follow some of you guys too x